Wednesday, 26 September 2007

I'm back

Hey all.Not been on for a bit as wasn't well.stomach bug.Heavy duty.At least i had a fantastic nurse(L).Scotland humped France at the footie,the mighty gers back top of the league and the new Foo Fighters album kicks ass.Very mature sound.Buy it NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Badacro and new album

Well got back from Invernesshire on saturday after being away with the band.Recorded new acoustic album'Quiet Act' and also a live bootleg titled 'Live in the lodge' which consists of 10 live cover versions plus 3 of our own songs all done acoustic.We had a great time away but never seen so many spiders(7 in my room)and midges.Took some cool pics.Missed Lisa tons.Good to be home.

Birthday Greetings

Hey everybody.I'm 33 years young today.Blagged the day off work.Finished reading Chart Throb.Really good read.Check it out.
Had a nice lunch and watched the pilot episode of Chips series 1 that my good friend Dale bought me for my birthday.
Going to Lisa's for tea.She's taking me out to Highly acclaimed local french restaurant on friday night.Can't wait.